Ks1 online maths quizzes
Revising KS1 (key stage 1) mathematics with quizzes: counting, statistics, shapes, measurement etc
(Enjoyable KS1 mathematics quizzes for KS1 pupils)
Hi there, welcome to our platform. We are extremely glad to have you here. In this section we will cover KS1 online maths quizzes following the national curriculum of KS1 mathematics. We have put together a collection of quizzes for KS1 pupils to enjoy maths their level. This will help them perform well in class and thus boost their results.
We know maths can be scary for children who don’t like numbers, but we promise to make maths for KS1 very enjoyable through our ks1 online maths quizzes.
And you know maths is really important, not only to be used in class, but also during our day to day interactions through calculations, playing instruments, counting, estimating your pocket money and many more.
People use maths a lot nowadays even though they are not mathematicians.
At the end of a child's final year in KS1 he/she writes a national test known as SATs exam (scholastic assessment test) which is just two subjects where maths is the first.
According to KS1 national curriculum, ks1 maths SATs consists of two papers namely; arithmetic and problem solving and reasoning papers. Each child is required to have a minimum of 100 scores as a sum total of all subjects to be considered successful.
In ks1 maths, pupils are taught lessons such as : calculations, counting, display, statistics, shapes, positions and directions, measurement, reasoning and problem solving.
We have made special collections of KS1 maths quizzes which cover the complete lessons in ks1 mathematics subject.
Your success is our priority and we have decided to go along with you throughout your primary and secondary school journey by equally providing ks2, ks3 and gcse online quizzes.
Select, play and learn!