GCSE Quizzes Online

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Online GCSE Quizzes

GCSE is a general exam and is taken in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. This exam can be likened to the General Certificate of Examination (GCE) taken in Cameroon. GCSE is the acronym for "General Certificate of Secondary Education."

GCSE was introduced by Lord Baker in 1988 and it was intended for those that wanted to leave school at the age of 16. It is not only intended for those that want to leave school at the age of 16 but is taken by students from 14 to 16 years old or to anyone of any age. Before the GCSE was introduced, students took the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE), the General Certificate of Education Ordinary level or the two. 

The core Subjects that are taught at the GCSE level include Mathematics, English Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science, English Literature, History, Geography and language. 

Here at gcequiz,com, you're going to see and answer so many quizzes that will help you to better understand and know how to prepare for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. We have exam standard quizzes on GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Biology quizzes and so many other quizzes that are here for you at you don't have to pay for the quizzes. With GCSE online quizzes you are  free to study anywhere and at anytime. It is set in a coordinated manner and as you follow each progression step by step, you find how simple this can be. This makes you more loose as to working with the GCSE only quizzes whenever. This makes you more than prepared for the exam anytime. You can now select any quiz from below and start working.

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GCSE Quizzes Online