Specialized Cells, Tissues and Organs Quiz

Quiz Description

Specialized Cells, Tissues and Organs online  quizzes,
( Specialized Cells, Tissues and Organs online  quizzes with exam standards for the GCSE and GCE A level candidates)

             In this quiz, we are going to look at what cells are, what tissues are, and also organs. We are also going to look at the relationship between all these in the body. These quizzes are going to broade3n your knowledge on the human system especially. So we should note that, cells get oxygen and nutrients from this extracellular fluid and release waste products into it, and  humans and other complex organisms have very specialized internal systems that maintain the internal environment, keeping it steady and able to provide for the needs of each individual cell. 

  A cell is a basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Cells provide structure and support, facilitate growth usually through mitosis, also allows passive and active transport, produce energy, create metabolic reactions and aid in reproduction.
-Specialized Cells:  They always have a specific role to perform with each specialized cell having a different job to do. They also have special features that allow them or makes it easy for them to do these jobs. For example, muscle cells are held together in bundles which pull together and make muscles contract.

 Tissue are a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a single unit. A nonliving material called the intercellular matrix fills the spaces between the cells which may be abundant in some tissues and minimal in others. 

 Organs are the simply a body's recognizable structures that perform specific functions. An organ is made of several types of tissues and therefore several types of cells. Examples of organs are the heart, lungs, liver, eyes, and stomach.

A very important thing to note in this quiz is that, specialized cells helps perform specialized functions in multicellular organisms while a a groups of specialized cells cooperate to form a tissue, such as a muscle And, different tissues therefore are in turn grouped together forming larger functional units called organs. 

.Below you will find questions ranging from 15-20 questions per quiz, select this quiz below and start testing your knowledge on cells and tissues, and organs. For more quizzes in Biology, click here .  when you are done with this quiz, don't forget to visit our official website, gcequiz.com where you will find more interesting quizzes.


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Specialized Cells, Tissues and Organs Quiz