Here in this quiz, we are going to be looking at the study of Islam as a religion. We will get to know what a Qur'an is, how often Muslims pray, the lifestyle of a Muslim, where Muslims worship, etc. This quiz is suited to give an overview of the Muslim religion. Hence, answering the quiz correctly is a guarantee of success in any exam question on Islam.
Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion with the teaching that Muhammad is a messenger of God. Monotheistic is known to be the belief in one God. Islam is known to be the second-largest religion in the world, with about 1.9 billion followers. These followers are also known as Muslims. Islam also teaches about the final judgment, with the righteous rewarded, and the unrighteous punished. Also, Muslims go to the mosque for worship every Friday.
There is a lot to know about Islam. If you are interested in this knowledge, go ahead and play this quiz. You could also take a look at other religion quizzes that are made available on this platform.
A Muslim should make a pilgrimage at least once during his lifetime to the holy city called .....
"God is great, there is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer" is known as what?
What name is given to the sixth Muslim belief that concerns Allah having knowledge of all that will happen?
What percentage of a Muslim's wealth must be given each year to benefit the poor?