Inheritance and selection quiz

Quiz Description

Inheritance and selection quiz.

(Online  quizzes, with exam standards from the GCE, and GCSE with different difficulties levels on Inheritance and selection)

Each and everyone has a unique character or trait, it is important to note that non of these characters or traits are exactly from us, a few could be but that's all there is. Characters and traits are passed from generation to generation, for example, from father to son.
Genetics and more importantly the study of inheritance can help us to understand why people look the way they do and why some people are more prone to certain diseases than others. These studies usually help health-care professionals to identify certain conditions in babies before they are born using techniques such as prenatal testing. 

 Inheritance is the process by which genetic information is passed on from parent(s) to child. This is usually why members of the same family tend to have similar characteristics and also look so very alike (they have a particular resemblance). We actually have two genomes each. We each get a copy of our genome from each of our parents
              A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes ,each genome in this case contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism. In we humans, a copy of the entire genome , that is; more than 3 billion DNA base pairs is contained in all the cells that have a nucleus.

In biology, the preferential survival and reproduction or preferential elimination of individuals with certain genotypes (genetic compositions), by means of natural or artificial controlling factors is termed Selection. Selection is classified into 2, artificial and natural selection.
- Artificial selection; It is the selective breeding of organisms to produce domesticated animals with more desirable traits or selective breeding to test for genetic variation and co-variation in a particular population.   
-Natural selection; It is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change over time. Over time, these advantageous traits become more common in the population. Through this process of natural selection, favorable traits are now transmitted from generation to generations. 

Below are quiz questions under the topic of inheritance and selection, take the quiz and start testing your knowledge. The quizzes we set here are not any different from the GCE and GCSE exam questions. The questions are ranging from 15-20 questions per quiz, for more biology quizzes, click on biology. Find more quizzes at

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Inheritance and selection quiz