Atomic structure and radioactivity quiz

Quiz Description

Revising Atomic structure and Radioactivity with quizzes

(Simple Atomic Structure and Radioactivity quizzes for students going in for the GCE, GCSE, and necta)

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In this section, our point of focus will be Atomic structure and Radioactivity. Here, you'll get to study the structure of the atom, radioactive calculations such as half-life, etc Below are ready-made quizzes to assist you in your revision. Before that, let's look at the definition of the various key terms:

 An atom is the smallest unit of matter that forms a chemical element. The size of an atom is too small (about 100pm) and it is made up of neutral ions or atoms. A standard atom has a nucleus (made up protons and neutrons), and at least one or more electrons. A normal atom is electrically neutral, due to the equality in number between the positive and the negative charges. When there is a difference in charges, it is known as an ion.

Definition of some terms

Nucleus: This is a collection of neutral and positive subatomic particles.

Shell: An orbit followed round the nucleus by electrons.

Nucleons: The subatomic particles found in the nucleus (protons and neutrons)

Neutron: Subatomic particle (nucleon) with no net charge at all.

Electron: This is the subatomic particle (nucleon) with a negative charge.

Proton: This is the subatomic particle with a positive charge.

Valency: The number of electrons on the outermost shell of an atom.

Atomic number: This is the number of protons in the nucleus of one atom of an element.

Mass Number: Total number of protons and neutrons.

Isotope: Atoms of the same element with the same atomic number but different mass numbers.

Radioactivity: It is the spontaneous release of radiation.

During the exams, students are expected to have a clear understanding of atomic structure and radioactivity, as they will be tested on it. For more exciting quizzes, click here.

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Atomic structure and radioactivity quiz