Acids bases salts and pH quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising Acids, Bases, Salts, and pH with quizzes

(Simple quizzes on Acids, bases, salts, and pH for students going in for the GCE, GCSE, and necta)

Welcome to gcequiz platform, the perfect place to test your knowledge. This is an online revision platform that tests your knowledge by providing you with thousands of quizzes to answer., These quizzes have been set based on the GCE and GCSE curriculum. If you have any issues revising, then answering the quizzes on this website is the best way to start revising.

In this section, we will be looking at acids, bases, salts, and pH. Here, you'll get to know more about the differences between acids and bases, their pH ranges, and their reactions to produce salts. Below are well-structured quizzes to assist you in the revision process. Before we proceed, let's take a look at what those terms mean:

An acid is an ion or molecule that is able to donate a hydrogen ion (also called a proton). It can also be able to form a covalent bond with an electron pair. Some examples of acids are hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, etc A strong acid is an acid that will ionize completely in an aqueous solution, whereas a weak acid will ionize partially. An acid usually has a pH of less than 7. An acid will turn a blue litmus red.

A base is a substance that will dissociate in an aqueous solution forming a hydroxide ion. A base usually has a pH of more than 7. Examples of bases are sodium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, etc A base could also be known as that substance that will turn a red litmus paper blue.

Salts are compounds made up of an anionic arrangement of cations and anions. They are formed when an acid reacts with a base (a process known as a neutralization reaction) and all our quizzes have been set in such a way that they include most of these aspects.

During the exams, students are expected to be able to describe the differences between an acid and a base, and also know the processes involved in the production of salt. They are expected to master the concept well so as to get a good pass in questions asked on this topic. For more entertaining quizzes, click here.   

This platform is here to assist students in getting the A grade they've always desired. Are you a student? Here's your chance. Make good use of it. 

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Acids bases salts and pH quizzes