A level Atmosphere Quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising Atmosphere with Quizzes

(Atmosphere Quizzes for students doing the GCE A level, GCSE and necta)

Hello guys and welcome to gcequiz.com. Today we will be looking at what the Atmosphere is. It is a topic in Geography. We will look at the definition of the atmosphere, what life without the atmosphere can be like and the different types of atmospheres.

There is a blanket of gases which surrounds the Earth and this blanket is known as the Atmosphere. The atmosphere is held near the surface of the planet by the Earth's gravitational attraction.

Without the atmosphere, there will be no life on Earth as the atmosphere

  • Contains the air we breathe
  • Protects life from harmful radiations from the sun
  • Helps keep the planet's heat received from the sun from escaping back into space
  • Keeps the climate on Earth moderate compared to that of other planets
  • Is a major element of the water cycle etc

The atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases, mostly nitrogen, oxygen, argon and  carbon dioxide. It is also divided into four layers based on temperature; the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.

Troposphere: This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere and closest to the surface of the earth. It varies from about 8km above sea level at the poles to about 16km at the equator. This is the layer where we see clouds and most of the weather occurs here.

Stratosphere: It is at a distance of about 18km above tropospause. In this layer, the pressure continues to decrease but the temperature increases gradually to 0 degrees celcius. This layer contains the ozone layer which absorbs the sun's UV rays thereby protecting the Earth

Mesosphere: It reaches up to about 80km above the surface of the earth and it is the coldest layer of the atmosphere. This is the layer where meteorites usually burn up as they enter the atmosphere

Thermosphere: It extends upwards from a point 80-100km above the earth's surface and there is very little air in this layer. 

 During exams, students are mostly evaluated in this section through written sessions. Written sessions include multiple-choice, short answers, and essay questions for students to demonstrate their comprehension of Weather and Climate. Click here for more entertaining quizzes in Geography and if you wish to change the subject visit gcequiz.com


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A level Atmosphere Quizzes