Reproduction quiz

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Reproduction quizzes.
(Online  quizzes with exam standards for the GCE, GCSE and A level students with different difficulties levels)

    Reproduction is a very vital topic in life, it  is important for the survival of all living things. Without a mechanism for reproduction, life would come drastically and slowly come to an end. Reproduction also maintains a balance between the birth rate and death rate as the new individuals of each specie replace those of the old and the dying population. This also helps in increasing the number of species in the ecosystem.

The process by which an organism produces offspring is called reproduction.  There are two types of reproduction, one which involves fusion of gametes from two individual parents called sexual reproduction and one in which a single parent is involved in reproduction and gamete formation does not happen and called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction can also just refer to simple cell division that produces an exact duplicate of an organism. 

Sexual reproduction(human reproduction)
Sexual reproduction in man is usually through sexual intercourse between opposite sexes. During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, the interaction between the male and female reproductive systems results in fertilization of the woman's ovum by the man's sperm. The cells involved here are specialized reproductive cells called gametes, and are created in a process called meiosis.  Conception occurs only when these cells join as the egg is being fertilized. 

Asexual reproduction
For asexual reproduction, it occurs by cell division during mitosis to produce two or more genetically identical offspring.  Many plants are able to reproduce themselves using asexual reproduction. This method of reproduction does not require the special investment required to produce a flower, attract pollinators, or find a means of seed dispersal. 

 Below are quiz questions under the topic of this reproduction, take the quiz and start testing your knowledge. The quizzes we set here are not any different from the GCE and GCSE exam questions. The questions are ranging from 15-20 questions per quiz, for more biology quizzes, click on biology. Find more quizzes at 

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Reproduction quiz