A European power whose naval presence and consular activities helped in solving trade disputes between European traders and Cameroon middle men between 1841 and 1883?
identify the trading firms that were established by the German traders in 1868 and 1875 respectively in Cameroon
Which economic measure was taken after 1906 to consolidate German authority over the resources in the territory?
Who was the Duala traditional ruler that planned a national resistance against German colonial rule and was executed in 1914?
Which missionary body established a mission station at Marienberg (Edea) in the 1890's to promote the catholic church in Cameroon?
Identify the Cameroon Traditional ruler who after the defeat of the Germans in 1916 went on exile to Spanish Equatorial Guinea.
The French official directly involved in the provisional partitioning of Cameroon with the British Government in February 1916 was___
Which town served as the administrative headquarters of the Resident in British Southern Cameroon during the mandate period?
Which of the following official dates was the British policy of Indirect rule introduction in Southern Cameroons during the Mandate period?
This statement best refers to which of the following Cameroon traditional rulers during the Mandate period?
The official name given to a number of provisions in the French criminal code that permitted French colonial officials to arbitrary punish without trial was___
The most important political effect on the people of Southern Cameroons after the Second World War from after 1945 as___
The two pressure groups in Southern Cameroons that merged in 1953 to form the first political party, the Kamerun National Congress, were____
Who was the UPC leader in the Bassa region that led a revolt against the French as a result of rigged elections in the 1950s?