In this quiz, you will be challenged with 20questions from the History of Cameroon mainly.
Each of these questions will be giving you a chance of 1 out of 4 of passing, therefore you need to choose wisely. History is a very broad subject in the Ordinary level, and teaches us a lot about our country and the world as a whole. This is part 3 of the GCE 2018 on History where you will find questions on World wars, ruling parties, and leaders of certain empires and so much more.
More GCE quizzes are available on History and other GCE years too.
Wish you luck.
Below are European powers in pairs. Select the pair that fought against German colonial rule in Africa at the time of the First World War.
The African territory which was as a result of the Paris Peace Settlement (1919) was ceded to Britain was_____
The African country that regained its independence after a brief period of Italian occupation (1935-1941) was___
To which West African nationalist leader does the description cited above refer?
Which of the following nationalist movements in Southern Africa was not involved in the decolonization struggle in Angola?
The West African country which witnessed a bloody civil war as a result of intense ethnic rivalry in the 1960s was___
The following factors were largely responsible for the influx of refugees on the African continent after independence except____
The main objective of Bismarck's foreign policy from 1870 to 1890 was to ____
Identify the statesman whose assasination at Sarajevo in 1914 sparked off the First World War
Which of the following countries was a member of the central Powers that fought against the allies in the First World War?
The German territory that was demilitarized as a result of peace treaty of Versailles (1919) was____
The Anglo-French policy of granting territorial concessions to the Axis Powers in an effort to prevent war in the 1920s and 1930s was known as_____
Which military operation (code name) was used to describe the German invasion of Russia in 1941?
Who was the statesman that played an important role in the creation of the League of Nations in 1919?
The UN specialized agency responsible for the promotion of scientific research, educational advancement and cultural preservation around the World is ____