In this second under 2017 Cameroon GCE quiz on Citizenship , students will learn more about the government and its Nation as a whole.
As we all are aware, Citizenship has a lot do do with one's country(or Nation) and human rights as a whole.
A lot of people are just individuals in their nation, they might as well not be considered Citizens as they know very little about their Country. But at the end of this quiz, you will know what a country is, what a nation is and things within like regions, and Capital of your Country as well as the people Leading in these areas.
These quizzes will teach you more of these, be sure to take the quiz so as not to miss out in preparation for any upcoming exams in Citizenship.
Good luck!
Below is a list of Administrative officials who run the services attached to the governor's office, identify the one who has the rank of the Senior Divisional Officer
The drug that has the highest rate of consumption among Cameroonians today is ____
Choose from the diseases below the one that is not transmitted through sexual intercourse
Measure taken by an evaluation body to check examination malpractice include the following except
The Supreme State Control , the Audit bench of the supreme court and the National Agency for Financial Investigation are some of the structures put in place by government to?
A direct vote in which the electorate is asked to either accept or reject a proposal on an issue of National Importance is referred to as____
Which of the following Constitutions gave Birth to the United Republic of Cameroon ?
According to the 1996 Constitution who assumes interim Head of State in the event of vacancy at the Presidency of the Republic?