KS2 (key stage 2) Online Time Quizzes
(Fun and fascinating ks2 time quizzes for children that wish to better prepare themselves as they go in for the end of year exams or for children that wish to boost their knowledge and increase their performance in class)
Welcome to gcequiz.com, an online revision platform that helps children by providing them with numerous and free quizzes that have been set based on the national curriculum for ks2. In this section, we are going to talk about time and almost everything related to time.
Time is an ongoing sequence of events that are taking place. The basic unit of time is second. There are also other units of time such as the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, etc. It is very important to know how to change from one unit of time to another. Like from minutes to seconds.
1minute = 60seconds
1hour = 60minutes
1day = 24hours
1year = 12months
1decade = 10years
These basic conversions are very necessary for children in the ks2 level to better understand other things. If you wish to understand these conversions better, start answering the quizzes below.
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Maxwell is expected to be in school at 8:00am, but he makes it to school at 8:15am.Which of the following statements are true?
Jannie was born in October 18th the previous year, how old is Jannie this march 18th?