KS2 (key stage 2) Online States of Matter Quiz
Revising KS2 States of Matter with quizzes.
(Captivating and Fascinating KS2 states of matter quiz for children preparing for their end of year KS2 SATs exams or pupils that want to boast their knowledge in class)
Welcome to gcequiz, an online revision platform that will help you to better prepare for the end of year KS2 SATs. In this section, we will be talking about matter, the various states of matter, some materials and their states for KS2 students.
Matter is anything that has mass and also occupies space by having volume.
States of matter
Matter as we know it has three fundamental or basic states which are solid, liquid and gas. Substances can appear in several states and this depends on the temperature of the substance and other conditions. Water can appear in all these states of matter and as we have seen, it is due to changes in the temperature. Water can exist in the solid form as Ice when temperatures drop as low as 0oC, it can also exist as a liquid when the temperature is about 24oC and as a gas when temperatures rise up to about 100oC.
These Matter quizzes are set based on the national curriculum for KS2. Also, the quizzes will help you better understand the topic of matter and science as a whole preparing the students for KS3. If you wish to better your understanding on KS2 matter then start answering the quizzes below.
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