Revising ks1 Isambard Kingdom Brunel with Quizzes
(Fascinating ks1 isambard kingdom brunel quizzes for children who are preparing to go in for the end of year KS1 SATs or children who wish to boost their understanding of the topic in class be it Year one or two)
Hi there and you are welcome to This is an online revision platform that will help you to better prepare for the end of year KS1 exams (KS1 SATs) by providing you with numerous quizzes for you to answer and test your knowledge on some KS1 aspects. Today we will be talking about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Now who is this man and why are we interested in knowing more about him and what he did in the past. These are the questions that we will be answering in the subsequent paragraph.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, born on the 9th of April 1806 in England was a civil Engineer and he is considered as one of the most ingenious and creative figures in engineering history and this is because he built dockyards and so many other important bridges and tunnels.
The quizzes here will help the pupils to better understand what Isambard Kingdom Brunel did.This will also help the children to better prepare for their end of year KS1 SATs exams. This online platform provides quizzes that are totally free of charge so you can answer the quizzes whenever and wherever you wish to answer them.
Play, Enjoy and Learn!