Energy and electricity quiz

16 Questions

Quiz Description

Energy has always been known to be the capability of work being done, and in this quiz, we will see how energy and electricity relate to one another.  Studies show that studying energy and energy resources leads to better management of the economic resources especially as it is one of the most important inputs in economic development. In the course of this quiz, you will learn things like energy associated with electric charges, sources of energy that can be used to produce electricity, and even how these sources are used in the application for generating electricity.

Energy as earlier said is the ability to do work. Energy has several forms, namely electrical, mechanical, kinetic, gravitation, etc. These energy forms can be converted to another through various means, this is known as energy transformation.
We will now look into electrical energy.
Electrical energy is a type of kinetic energy caused by moving electric charges. This amount of energy depends on the speed of the charges, that is to say, the faster they move, the more electrical energy they carry along their path. In an electric system, electric energy is Mathematically generally given by,

Electrical energy=Electric power x time
Since Electric power =Electric Voltage x Electric current,
Electric power=V x I x t=VIt

On taking our quizzes, you will find out that this is just a summary of the topic but taking the quiz will be more effective as you will learn more things in detail from the quizzes.  Many other Physics quizzes are available on several topics, do well to check them out. In the meantime,


Which form of energy is released by uranium and plutonium in an atomic reactor?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
  • 4:

A simple battery (cell) can be made by dipping two different strips of metal (electrodes) into a conducting salt solution of ions. Which statement is TRUE about the battery cell?

  • 1:
     an electrical current can flow through the salt solution of ions
  • 2:
    the energy transfer change is from electrical to chemical energy
  • 3:
    the smaller the metal elecrodes the bigger the current
  • 4:
     the closer the two metals are in reactivity, the bigger the voltage produced

What is the overall energy change using a solar cell?

  • 1:
     electrical to sound
  • 2:
     light to electrical
  • 3:
    chemical to kinetic
  • 4:
     sound to electrical

Which form of energy is needed for photosynthesis?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
  • 4:
    gravitational potential

Which form of energy is carried by a current of moving charge?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
    elastic/strain potential
  • 4:

Various sorts of energy resources can be used to produce electricty for use in the home. Which of the following types of energy resource is used to make electricity inside a clockwork radio?

  • 1:
    gravitational potential energy
  • 2:
    heat energy
  • 3:
     chemical energy
  • 4:
     elastic potential energy

A simple battery (cell) can be made by dipping two different strips of metal into a conducting salt solution of ions. Which two metals will produce the smallest voltage?

  • 1:
     zinc and tin electrodes
  • 2:
      zinc and copper electrodes
  • 3:
    magnesium and copper electrodes
  • 4:
     tin and lead electrodes

In the home electrical energy is coverted into useful forms by various appliances. Four examples (1)-(4) are listed below, including what happens to a % of the original electrical energy. Which statement of A-D is most likely NOT true? Examples: (1)A lamp coverts 5% of the energy into light. (2) A kettle uses 97% of the energy to heat the water. (3) a typical food mixer wastes 60% of the energy input. (4)A HiFi system converts 30% of the energy into sound and light.

  • 1:
     the food mixer converts 40% of the electrical energy into useful kinetic energy
  • 2:
      the electric kettle is the most energy efficient appliance with least wasted energy
  • 3:
     The HiFi wastes 70% of the electrical energy, mainly as heat or thermal energy
  • 4:
    95% of the electrical energy in the lamp is useful heat

A simple battery (cell) can be made by dipping two different strips of metal (electrodes) into a conducting salt solution of ions. Which statement is TRUE about the battery cell?

  • 1:
    the energy transfer change is from electrical to chemical energy
  • 2:
     the bigger the metal elecrodes the bigger the current
  • 3:
    an electrical current cannot flow through the salt solution of ions
  • 4:
    the closer the two metals are in reactivity, the bigger the voltage produced

Various sorts of energy resources can be used to produce electricty for use in the home. Which of the following types of energy resource is used to make electricity from a river paddle wheel generator?

  • 1:
     solar radiation energy
  • 2:
     heat energy
  • 3:
     kinetic energy
  • 4:
    chemical energy

In the home electrical energy is coverted into useful forms by various appliances. Four examples (1)-(4) are listed below, including what happens to a % of the original electrical energy. Which statement of A-D is most likely NOT true? Examples: (1)A lamp coverts 5% of the energy into light. (2) A kettle uses 97% of the energy to heat the water. (3) a typical food mixer wastes 60% of the energy input. (4)A HiFi system converts 30% of the energy into sound and light.

  • 1:
      3% of the electrical energy is wasted by the kettle, mainly by conduction and convection losses
  • 2:
     the lamp is the least efficient appliance with the most wasted energy
  • 3:
     The HiFi produces sound energy that is wasted
  • 4:
     the food mixer converts about 60% of the electrical energy into heat and sound energy

Which form of energy is released when an atom splits?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
    gravitational potential
  • 4:

Various sorts of energy resources can be used to produce electricty for use in the home. Which of the following types of energy resource is used to make electricity in a geothermal power station?

  • 1:
     gravitational potential energy
  • 2:
     heat energy
  • 3:
     sunlight energy
  • 4:
    chemical energy

One unit of electricity is equal to using a 1000W (1kW) appliance for 1 hour. [9i-22] What is the cost of using a 700W iron for 2.5 hours if the cost of electricity is 8p/unit?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
  • 4:

Various sorts of energy resources can be used to produce electricty for use in the home. Which of the following types of energy resource is used to make electricity in a calculator solar cell?

  • 1:
     chemical energy
  • 2:
     kinetic energy
  • 3:
    sunlight energy
  • 4:
      heat energy

One unit of electricity is equal to using a 1000W (1kW) appliance for 1 hour. [9i-24] What is the cost of using a 4kW oven for 5 hours if the cost of electricity is 7p/unit?

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
  • 4:

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Energy and electricity quiz