In this quiz, which is the 2nd quiz on Semiconductor Electronics, we will focus mainly on the types of semiconductors and their function and use practically.
Semiconductor electronics can be put simply to mean semiconductors used for making electronics like we know Silicon is used for diodes and a lot of components in electronic devices. There are two types of semiconductors, the p-type and the n-type semiconductors(n=negative and p=positive). For example, Silicon is used in electronic circuit fabrication and gallium arsenide is used in solar cells, when doped with impurities like Germanium, it becomes an extrinsic p-type semiconductor. Diodes are manufactured using the p and n-type semiconductors and they are used as rectifiers in this case. Transistors are also made using semiconductors.
This particular topic in physics is very useful in all fields as it concerns computer engineering and life as a whole, so be sure to take the quiz, for you will find it very educational and worth it.
Good luck!
In a half wave rectifier, the r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of the wave is
Diffusion current in a p-n junction is greater than the drift current in magnitude