A Level Geography Quiz 2015 Part 1

15 Questions

Quiz Description

Geography is a science that deals with the earth and its life; especially the description of the land, sea, air and the distribution of plant and animal life including man and his industries with reference to the mutual relations of these diverse elements.

Being one of the main subjects treated at the advanced level, geography has a broad syllabus. It has been set up into 2 main sections which are physical and human geography. During the CGCE examination, each student is expected to have a mastery of each of the sections which is often impossible for some students and for a student to have this mastery, it is imperative for he/she to answer as many questions as possible

To provide students with these resources, we have designed a quiz which. This quiz is based on the aspect of physical geography and some of the topics one might encounter include

Good luck!!!


How best canwe describe a situation where within the water year, evaporation exceeds precipitation?

  • 1:
    Soil moisture surplus
  • 2:
    Soil moisture recharge
  • 3:
    Soil moisture deficit
  • 4:
    Field capacity

What is the largest store of fresh water in the land phase of the global hydrological

  • 1:
    Underground water
  • 2:
    The polar ice caps and ice sheets
  • 3:
    Lakes and rivers
  • 4:
    Soil moisture zone

After a four month period of dry season from November to February in the Western Highlands,
the rains began falling again in March. Precipitation in March however, exceeded the amount of evapotranspiration. Which of the following was the most significant hydrological process occurring in the soil in March?

  • 1:
    Overland flow
  • 2:
    Soil moisture recharge
  • 3:
    Increase in base flow
  • 4:
    Buildup of excess of soil moisture

One of these is an exception to the factors that account for the variation in pressure differences from one region to another. Isolate the exception

  • 1:
    Differences in temperature
  • 2:
    Differences in barometric force
  • 3:
    Differences in humidity
  • 4:
    Differences in gravitational force

All of the following factors except one influence the climate of any given place. Pick out
the odd factor

  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
    Prevailing winds
  • 4:

The latitudinal zone on the earth’s surface which receives the lowest yearly amount of precipitation is

  • 1:
    The Mediterranean zone
  • 2:
    The sub tropical desert zone
  • 3:
    The mid-latitude zone in the continental interiors
  • 4:
    The tropical continental zone in the

it is an appropriate description of the equatorial or tropical rainforest climate

  • 1:
    Hot and dry for a greater part of the year
  • 2:
    Warm wet season and cold dry season
  • 3:
    Hot and humid for a greater part of the year
  • 4:
    Hot and humid throughout the year

The following are all reasons which explain the tendency for large industrial cities to
experience higher average temperatures and annual precipitation than rural areas except one. Which is the exception?

  • 1:
    Atmospheric disturbances such as moving cyclones that bring much rain are less frequent in rural areas
  • 2:
    There is greater concentration of condensation nuclei in the atmosphere of cities than in that of rural areas
  • 3:
    Cities experience greater turbulence and uplift of moving air than rural settlements
  • 4:
    City structures and streets absorb more solar radiation and release it into its atmosphere than rural areas

Which of the following statements about the formation and movement of tropical cyclones is
NOT true?

  • 1:
    Circling whirling winds around a low pressure centre
  • 2:
    Formed over the sea surface when temperatures attain 27°C
  • 3:
    Generally westward direction due to the Coriolis force
  • 4:
    Increase in intensity as they move further inland becoming more destructive with distance.

A steep-sided volcano formed by the Accumulation of solid or pyroclastic materials is
referred to as:

  • 1:
    Shield volcano
  • 2:
    Cumulo dome
  • 3:
    Ash and cinder
  • 4:
    Composite cone

From which of the following zones in the earth s interior is the energy for crustal movements

  • 1:
    The core
  • 2:
    The sial
  • 3:
    The mantle
  • 4:
    The sima

The processes occur both at constructive and destructive margins except one. Which is this

  • 1:
    The building of fold mountains
  • 2:
    The fracturing of the crust
  • 3:
    the quaking of the crust
  • 4:
    the eruption of magma

Identify the feature labelled Z on the following diagram.

<p>Identify the feature labelled Z on the following diagram.  </p>
  • 1:
    Rift valley
  • 2:
    Divergent margin
  • 3:
    Convergent margin
  • 4:
    Ocean trench

All of the following except one account for the high intensity of chemical weathering in the humid tropics. Which is the exception?

  • 1:
    uniformly high temperatures year-round
  • 2:
    heavy rainfall throughout the year
  • 3:
    luxuriant vegetation which contributes humic acid
  • 4:
    The occurrence of the wet and dry seasons

Some 30 years ago, the electricity company planted electricity poles on fairly steep slopes to carry the high tension cables that brought light to the remote mountain village of Baku . At present, the company has observed that the electricity poles are leaning and tilted from the vertical and needed to be straightened. Which of the following mass movement must have affected the poles over time?

  • 1:
    Rock fall
  • 2:
    Talus creep
  • 3:
  • 4:
    Soil creep

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A Level Geography Quiz 2015 Part 1