When studying a particular aspect of a subject, it is always very important to know the basics of that particular subtopic or that particular topic of the subject. This is why gcequiz.com has gone through the stress to bring together examination standard questions under the basics of trigonometry for the Advanced level.
Most students in the Advanced level do not know what trigonometry is but they use it in most of their day to day activities. As we all know, trigonometry is a branch in mathematics. This branch deals with the relationships that exist between side lengths and the angles of a triangle using some particular functions known as trigonometric functions (or simply trig functions) which are cosine (cos), sine (sin), secant (sec), tangent (tan), cotangent (cot) or cosecant (cosec).
A level Mathematics past gce papers have also been made available for you. You can now go ahead and test your knowledge.
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