Osmosis quiz

Quiz Description

Revising Osmosis with Quizzes

(Osmosis quiz for students that are going in for the GCE A levels, GCSE and necta)

Today we will be looking at Osmosis which is a branch of Biology. We will look at the definition, the types of osmosis, what Osmotic pressure is and the significance of osmosis.

Osmosis is an aloof cycle and occurs with no use of energy. It includes the development of particles from a district of higher fixation to bring down focus until the fixations become equivalent on one or the other side of the film. 

Types of Osmosis

There are two types of osmosis and they are Exosmosis and Endosmosis

Exosmosis–When a substance is set in a hypertonic arrangement, the dissolvable particles move outside the cell and the cell gets limp or goes through plasmolysis. This is known as exosmosis.

Endosmosis–When a substance is set in a hypotonic arrangement, the dissolvable atoms move inside the cell and the cell gets bloated or goes through deplasmolysis. This is known as endosmosis.

Osmotic pressure

This is simply the pressure that is required to stop water from moving through a membrane by osmosis and it is determined by the solute concentration.

Osmotic solutions

A hypotonic solution is a solution in which the concentration of solute inside the cell is higher than outside the cell.

A hypertonic solution is a solution in which the concentration of solutes outside the cell is higher than that inside the cell 

An isotonic solution is one that has the same concentration of solutes both inside and outside the cell.

Most the time when students are preparing for their exams, they have so many difficulties in Biology. The secret to succeed in the exams is to answer as many questions as possible then for the ones that you can't answer, you go back to your notes and read. online quizzes has made it in such a way that you don't have any major difficulty while preparing for your exams. There are thousands of online quizzes made available for you and at no cost. For other Biology quizzes, click here and for more info about the website, visit gcequiz.com


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Osmosis quiz