Organic chemistry quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising organic chemistry with quizzes

(Simple organic chemistry quizzes for students going in for the GCE, GCSE, and necta)

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In this section, our topic of study is organic chemistry. Being recognized as one of the broadest branches of chemistry, it is important to get serious with its study. For this reason, quizzes on organic chemistry are made available below. First of all, let's have a recap of organic chemistry:

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies the various properties, structures, and the reaction of carbon-containing organic compounds. The structure has to deal with the chemical composition and formula. Also, studying the properties incorporates physical and chemical properties, together with the evaluation of chemical reactivity to understand their behavior. Furthermore, reactions include the chemical synthesis of natural products, polymers, and drugs. The following are some classifications of organic compounds:

Functional Groups: The concept of functional groups is used both as a means to classify structures and predicting certain properties. These functional groups in question have a very vital role to play in the chemical and physical properties of organic compounds.

 Aliphatic Compounds: The aliphatic hydrocarbons are subdivided into alkanes (also known as paraffins, they are aliphatic hydrocarbons lacking double or triple bonds), alkenes (also known as olefins, they are aliphatic hydrocarbons with one carbon-to-carbon double bond), and alkynes (also known as acetylenes, they are aliphatic hydrocarbons with one carbon-to-carbon triple bond).

Aromatic Hydrocarbons: These hydrocarbons contain conjugated double bonds. An example is benzene.

Polymers: Carbon has the ability to form chains or networks that are linked buy carbon-to-carbon bonds. This linking process is known as polymerization. The source compound is called the monomer, and the network, polymers.

During the exams, students are expected to have mastered some vital concepts in organic chemistry such as functional groups, isotopy, isomerism, calculation of empirical and molecular formulae, etc For more quizzes, visit GCSE Chemistry quizzes.

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Organic chemistry quizzes