O level Functions and Graphs of Functions Quizzes

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Revising Functions and Graphs of Functions with Quizzes

(Functions and graphs of functions quizzes for students doing a level, GCSE, GCE, and necta.) 

Functions are the most important subject in mathematics and often lays the basics of advanced mathematics since nearly all are represented or can be represented as a function which intent can be represented as a graph which can give important behavior about the function. so what is a function? Wikipedia's definition goes as follows, A function is a binary relation between two sets that associates every element of the first set to exactly one element of the second set.  to make it simple a function can be described as a machine that has an input and output that is related to the input somehow generally through the function. 

 Now we have defined a function lets try to see one in practice let's consider f(x) = x+2, f is the name of the function x  is the input and  x+2 is the output so what we can conclude is that the function takes x  in parameter and returns x+2. Now that we have seen what a function now let's talk about the types of functions.

Types of functions

One to one function are also known:  A  one to one function is a function with the type A-> B which means for each A  there be just one results B, so A maps to and only B, These are also known as Injective functions.

One to many: As the name suggests this a function in which function maps to one or more elements, using our example of A and B it means A->B and can also A->C.

Onto function: Onto function is more complicated, to explain them we go as follows instead of mapping A->B we look at the reserve by saying if they exist an element B that has a function A then that function an Onto function.

There is another function called one-one and Onto function but is far above the scope of our work but if you wish to read more I suggest you read here.

We talked about functions types of functions, and the relationship between functions and graphs. With all that said are you confident to answer all our quizzes? if yes then try them below else find more O level quizzes here

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O level Functions and Graphs of Functions Quizzes