Methods of Purification and Analysis Quizzes

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Revising Methods of Purification and Analysis with quizzes

(Simple purification and analysis quizzes for students going in for the GCE, GCSE, and necta)

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In this section, we are going to be looking at the various methods of purification and analysis. To help students revise this section, practice quizzes are made available below. Before moving to the quizzes, let us look at what purification and analysis are:

When we talk of purification in chemistry we mean the process of separating a chemical substance of interest from contaminating substances. There are many purification methods, but we will look at the most common ones:

Chromatography: This is a process whereby a mixture of dissolved materials is put into a solvent, then the chemical substance of interest are then collected using the principle of continuous absorption via a chromatographic paper.

Filtration:  Filtration is a method of separating solid substances from liquids by passing the feed stream through a filter paper, allowing the liquid to pass through, and the solid allowed to settle on top of the filter paper.

Centrifugation: This is a method of separation involving the use of an electric motor to spin vessels containing a fluid in order to make the heavier components sink to the bottom of the vessel.

Evaporation: This is another method of purification, which involves the removal of volatile liquids from non-volatile solutes, which cannot be done via filtration.

Distillation: Distillation is the process of separating volatile liquids on the basis of their volatilities.

During the exams, students are expected to reproduce what they've mastered from their lectures either directly or in their own  words to prove understandability. For more quizzes, visit GCSE Chemistry quizzes.

The gcequiz platform is here to stay. It provides students with suitable revision questions that are of exam standards. If you are a student, then this platform is just for you. Enjoy.

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Methods of Purification and Analysis Quizzes