KS3 Biology Quiz

Quiz Description

  KS3 Biology Quiz.

(Key stage 3 Biology quizzes for O level candidates studying biology)

Welcome to gcequiz.com. This is an online revision platform that will help you to better prepare for your general or class exams and we help you by providing free quizzes for you to answer. From the quizzes of Today, we are going to Learn more about biology and examine the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of all living things. This will provides resources covering a wide scope of biology, with topics including Genetics and evolution - inheritance, chromosomes, DNA and genes.  Nurses, and doctors study these at their introductory level which helps them to understand more about the human body and know how to help the needy and the helpless in the hospital.

 Biology is simply the study of living things.
Anything that can grow, eat, reproduce, respire,  move and die is a living thing . Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their processes. Biology has diverse fields, including botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology. All living organisms are made up of cells which are basic units in the system. A cell is a basic structural and structural unit of all living organisms.
   The human body is composed of many trillions of cells. These cells provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, and convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out other specialized functions .  Cells have many parts, each part usually with a different function. Some of these parts called organelles, and are specialized structures that perform certain tasks within the cell. The main organs of the human body and their functions are,

  • The brain controls thoughts, memory and other organs.
  • The heart which does pumping of blood around the body.
  • The lungs that separate oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
  • The stomach helps to digest food.
  • The intestines absorb nutrients from food.
  • The liver removes poisons from the blood. 

We should take note that this is just a summary of what we will see on the course of answering the quizzes. Below are the online quizzes, with exam standards from the GCSE with different difficulties levels. questions ranging from 15-20 questions per quiz, select a quiz below and start testing your knowledge on the topic. For more biology quizzes, click here

Play and enjoy! 

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KS3 Biology Quiz