Chemistry limestone quiz

Quiz Description

Revising Chemistry Limestone with Quizzes 

(Chemistry Limestone quizzes for student doing the GCSE, GCE A levels and necta)

Limestone is a sedimentary stone made basically out of calcite, a calcium carbonate mineral with a compound synthesis of CaCO3. It as a rule structures in clear, quiet, warm, shallow marine waters. 

Limestone is typically a natural sedimentary stone, framing from the collection of shell, coral, algal, fecal, and other natural flotsam and jetsam. It can likewise frame by synthetic sedimentary cycles, for example, the precipitation of calcium carbonate from lake or sea water.

Types of Limestone

There are a wide range of sorts of limestone - each with its own name. These names are frequently founded on how the stone shaped, its appearance, its structure, or its actual properties. Here are a portion of the more ordinarily experienced kinds of limestone.

  • Chalk 
  • Crystalline Limestone
  • Coquina
  • Dolomitic Limestone
  • Fossiliferous Limestone
  • Lithographic Limestone
  • Travertine
  • Oolitic Limestone
  • Tufa

To know more about the types of limestone, click here

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Chemistry limestone quiz