Chemical and material behavior quiz

Quiz Description

Chemical and material behavior quiz.

(Online quiz, with exam standards from the GCSE with different difficulties levels especially for O level)

Chemistry is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. Chemical technologies enrich our quality of life in numerous ways by providing new solutions to problems in health situations, materials, as well as energy usage.  Note that, chemicals play very important roles in our everyday lives. They are found in a wide range of household and commercial products that can be lifesaving like drugs as well as hazardous to our health like poisons. 

A chemical behavior(property)
       A chemical property is a material's property that becomes evident during, or after a chemical reaction has gone to completion. That is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance's chemical identity is known as a chemical property.  some examples of chemical properties of an element are , 

  • Reactivity of the element with other chemicals.
  • Toxicity.
  • coordination number of compound.
  • Flammability.
  • Enthalpy of formation.
  • Heat of combustion.
  • Oxidation states.
  • Chemical stability
    Chemical properties of most elements are determined by the element's electronic configuration, and particularly by its outermost valence electrons.

A material behavior
 A material is a substance or mixture of substances that constitutes an object. Materials can either be pure or impure, and living or non-living matter. Materials are classified based on their physical and chemical properties. Or they can be classified based on geological origin or biological function.  In general, materials that are widely used in this universe are divided into four types, which are Metal, Polymers, Ceramic and Composite. There are usually plenty of manufacturing processes that have to be developed to form a product of such materials. 

 This topic looks small and easy but this is just a summary, if you want to study more on materials, you should search online on google or click here. This topic especially helps building and construction engineers to understand the chemical properties, and behavior of most building materials and chemicals, and the bonding between them, helping the society to build good foundations for infrastructure etc.

Do not forget to take the quiz, and if you need more quizzes in chemistry, please click on chemistry quizzes.


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Chemical and material behavior quiz