A level Modern Physics and the Atom Quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising A level Modern Physics and the Atom with Quizzes

(Modern Physics and the Atom Quizzes for students doing the GCE A levels, GCSE and necta)

“Modern” physics as the word goes is a branch of physics based on the two major breakthroughs of the early the twentieth century: Relativistic mechanics which is a science concerned with the motion of bodies or particles whose velocities approach the speed of light c, or whose kinetic energies are comparable with the product of their masses m and the square of the  velocity of light, or mc²  and Quantum mechanics which is, at least at first glance and at least in part, a numerical machine for foreseeing the practices of minute particles or, in any event, of the estimating instruments we use to investigate those practices and in that limit, it is breathtakingly effective: regarding force and accuracy, head and shoulders over any hypothesis we have Physics dependent on what was known under the watchful eye of at that point (Newton's laws, Maxwell's conditions, thermodynamics) is classified "traditional" material science. 

A molecule is a molecule of issue that exceptionally characterizes a substance component and it comprises of a focal core that is normally encircled by at least one electrons. Every electron is contrarily charged. The core is decidedly charged, and contains at least one generally substantial particles known as protons and neutrons.

Our quizzes are going to help you revise Modern Physics and atomic physics. Now, what is Atomic Physics? Atomic physics is a field in physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is basically concerned with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and the process by which these package change. The father of atomic physics is Niels Bohr

To helps revise appropriately for your Physics exams in Modern Physics and the Atom, gcequiz.com has prepared quizzes for A level students. These quizzes are composed by well trained teacher with proven experience in teaching but if you wish to answer quizzes in other topics in physics, click here. Select a quiz below and start revising to improve on your knowledge in modern Physics.

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A level Modern Physics and the Atom Quizzes