A level Electrostatics Quizzes

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Revising Electrostatics with Quizzes: Electric charges at rest.

( Simple A level Electrostatics quizzes for GCE A level candidates )

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In this section, we will be looking at Electrostatics. Electrostatics in general is the study of charges at rest. Here, we will be calculating quantities like the electric field strengths, electric field intensity, electric potential, etc. Below are some exciting quizzes to help you master the concept. In this light, let's know more about electrostatics.

Electrostatics is a branch of physics that studies electric charges at rest. An electrostatic effect has to do with an electric field and is created by an electric charge. In this subject matter, students must understand concepts and principles in electric charges, electrostatic forces, coulombs law, electric field, electric field lines, motion of charges particles and more.

 Coulomb's law states that: 'The magnitude of an electrostatic force of attraction/repulsion among two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.'

The force exertion is on the straight line joining them. If the two charges have the same sign, the electrostatic force between them is repulsive; if they have different signs, the force between them is attractive. Just like it is often said like charges repel while unlike charges attract.

During GCE, GCSE and necta exams , students are tested in electrostatics as part of the subject Physics and the questions are in different sections, starting with multiple choice questions and then essay questions which demands solving electrostatics problems. Students at the higher level do practical exercises on electrostatics basics . In this light, they are expected to have a mastery of the concept. It is for this reason that other physics quizzes are made available here.

The gcequiz platform is a solution for you. Sign up, go through the quizzes and get set for the exams.

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A level Electrostatics Quizzes