A level Doppler Effect Quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising A level doppler effect with Quizzes : Concepts, principles, theories, calculations, inverse doppler effect etc

(Sample and fun A level doppler effect quizzes for students doing GCE, GCSE and necta)

 Doppler Effect refers to the change in the frequency of a wave during its relative motion between a wave source and its observer. This effect was discovered in 1842 by a scientist called Johann Doppler  when he saw an increase or decrease of starlight that depends on the relative movement of the star. There are many scenarios in life where we can see this effect in action. For example;

- When a car horns and is getting closer or approaches someone, there is a change in pitch and frequency as it gets closer.

- Robotics: This can be seen in planning robots to aid movement in a sophisticated environment. This is specially used during competitive robotics where the environment is constantly changing. Other real life scenarios include 

1.  Sirens : The sound of a passing ambulance while horning.

2. Astronomy 

3. Radars :  For examples; a motor car, as police use radar to detect speeding motorists — as it approaches from the radar source. 

4. Medical imaging and blood flow management

5. Flow management

6. Velocity profile management

7. Satellite communication

8. Audio

9. Vibration measurement 

Description: Doppler effect works on both light and sound. When ever a sound object moves closer, the frequency increases and eventually reduces when the sound object moves away. 

 Edwin Hubble made the discovery that the universe expands due to the consequence of the Doppler Effect. Doppler effect has great application in the field of astronomy and space technology.

During A level, GCE, GCSE and necta, exams students are mostly tested in this topic when writing the subjects Physics. Questions are using in the form of paper one, paper two and at times paper three. Paper one consists of multiple choice questions, while paper 2 essay questions which demands calculations, analysis and graphs.

gcequiz.com remains the best place for you to test your knowledge. Have fun!

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A level Doppler Effect Quizzes