A level AC Theory Quizzes

Quiz Description

Revising AC Theory with Quizzes: Alternating current, waveforms, applications, etc.

( Simple A Level AC Theory quizzes for A level GCE candidates )

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In this section, we will be going through AC theory. AC is a special type of current that needs special attention with respect to studies. Here, we'll be looking at alternating current itself, waveforms, implications, and so on. Hence, there are available quizzes below that will help you master the concept. Before we proceed, let's know what we are talking about:

Alternating current (AC) is the current that reverses its direction periodically with a change in magnitude continuously with time which is totally opposite to direct current (DC). It is the form electrical energy commonly used by consumers to plug kitchen appliances, lamps, fans, television into their sockets at home. Alternating current is the form of electric power mostly used by homes, businesses etc. A typical example of DC source is battery cell.

The waveform of AC is represented as the sine wave. Exceptions are seen with some tools like guitar, amplifiers which form different waveforms. They alternate at a high frequency than others.

During exams, students are mostly tested in the topic alternating current via the subject Physics. Exam questions are mostly paper one (multiple choice questions) and paper two for (essay questions which requires solving and analyzing problems regarding alternating current).During class practical and exams, students at the higher level write paper three which involves doing practical work on alternating current basics . They are tested on the concept of alternating current and AC circuits. This, therefore, means that Physics students need to have a mastery of this topic. Visit A level Physics Quizzes for more A level physics quizzes.

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A level AC Theory Quizzes